How to make life easier with a newborn

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It’s been an awful lot time since my last post here. In this duration I got pregnant with our second child and two months ago we welcomed our beautiful son Oliver. Loads of people are asking me whether is easier the second time around. And to be honest with you, the answer is- Yes it is. Mainly because I don’t have to Google stuff 24/7, but also because I learned (and still do) to make little things that make my life with a newborn easier. Here are ten of my top advices:

  1. Rest when he sleep- almost everyone will tell you to sleep when the baby is sleeping, but to me this might have the opposite effect and get me drowsy instead.  So my advice is rest when the baby is asleep. Get off your phone, make yourself a cup of coffee and just relax. Listen to a podcast or read a book. Newborns tend to sleep 14 to 16 hours a day, so take this is your opportunity to enjoy the serenity.
  2. Invite people over instead of going to meet them- it’s this time of your life when everyone will want to meet you and the baby. Inviting people over is much easier and also nicer way to introduce your new family member. Don’t stress yourself with how you look, because it really doesn’t matter. Offering a cup of tea or coffee is  even more than people would expect from you at this point.
  3. Shop online- my biggest challenge as a new mum was shopping. The logistics around going to the supermarket can demotivate you big time. Online shopping is your new best friend. I like to order my nappies from Mumzworld and with their Yalla service you get them within 4-5 hours. As for grocery items you can’t beat Carrefour Now. Your order will be delivered within 1 (yes 1!) hour.
  4. Call a cleaner- Cleaning services are widely available in Dubai, so take advantage of it! Some companies now offer services for as little as 25 dhs per hour. Clean house, washed and ironed clothes, new bed sheets will give you this homey feeling and will reduce the stress.
  5. Delegate- it might feel like you are the only person that your baby need, but dads are here too. It’s tiring to do everything by yourself, so don’t be afraid to delegate. If you are breastfeeding, then let your hubby help sterilizing your breast pump and bottles. In the evenings let him bath the baby while you have your shower. Delegating tasks will help you bond as a new family and creates lovely memories to cherish IMG_4229 2
  6. Breastfeed if possible- I am not advocating for breastfeeding, but choosing to do it it’s not only beneficial for your child’s health, but also much easier. You can go anywhere  and the food is always easily available, you don`t have to worry about cleanliness of the bottles and it`s for free! Night feedings are also much easier and faster as you don`t have to prepare and warm the milk.
  7. Have an extra changing station – If you live in a villa and have stairs, nappy changing can be annoying (not to mention how painful climbing stairs is after cesarean!). Organize a small basket full with nappies, wet wipes, breast pads and a change of clothes. Keep it by the sofa so you have easy access to it during the day.
  8. Think logistics before going out- Does the place you are headed to have parking available? If not I wouldn’t bother going there with a newborn. If the parking is too far  opt for valet, trust me 20-50dhs is nothing for what you get in terms of comfort.
  9. Sleep in the same room- there is noting more exciting than the arrival of the new baby and his/her room preparation and decorating. In my view tho, having the cot by your bed is the easiest way to go. It makes the night feeds much easier as you can hear the baby straight away, you can see the child without having to get up and you can hear his breathing (which if you are a first time parent will check every five seconds 🙂 )
  10. Skip those baby sensory classes- So the baby is finally here and you are already googling -Astrophysics for babies or How to teach a baby six languages. The truth is newborns need so little to stimulate them. Things like- hot and cold, different materials (that can be from your clothes), sounds (like yours and daddy’s voice) and lights are plenty for a small baby. Hold on the expensive sensory classes until at least 6 months of age. Spend time cuddling and talking to your baby instead.

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